Confidentiality and Data Protection

Your data is safe with us.

Our data is stored on secure,
backed-up servers whose software and security suites are all kept up to date.

All of our emails are sent through encrypted channels to keep your privileged information from being intercepted.

We use expiring links to
transfer all files. That means
your sensitive information is more protected from hackers and bots that scan email contents.

Wherever you or your clients may be, you can be sure your sensitive personal data is protected.

Your data is safe with us.

Our data is stored on
secure, backed-up servers
whose software and security suites are all kept up to date.

All of our emails are sent through encrypted channels to keep your privileged information from being intercepted.

We use expiring links to
transfer all files. That
means your sensitive information is more protected from hackers and bots that scan email contents.
Wherever you or your clients may be, you can be sure your sensitive personal data is protected.

Your data is safe with us.

Our data is stored on
secure, backed-up servers
whose software and security suites are all kept up to date.

All of our emails are sent through encrypted channels to keep your privileged information from being intercepted.

We use expiring links to
transfer all files. That
means your sensitive information is more protected from hackers and bots that scan email contents.
Wherever you or your clients may be, you can be sure your sensitive personal data is protected.
GDPR Compliant

GDPR Compliance

We comply with the European Union's GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) standards.

Our linguists are legally 
bound to confidentiality through the required signing of Non-Disclosure Agreements and Data Processing Agreements.

Our website only uses cookies necessary for site functionality and gathering of anonymous statistics.

All client and customer data
is indexable and retrievable in case of Data Subject information requests.

All project files are deleted after a period of 5 years.
Our linguists are
legally bound to
confidentiality through the required signing of Non-Disclosure Agreements and Data Processing Agreements.
Our website only uses cookies necessary for site functionality and gathering of anonymous statistics.
All client and customer
data is indexable and retrievable in case of Data Subject information requests.
All project files are deleted after a period of 5 years.
Our linguists are
legally bound to
confidentiality through the required signing of Non-Disclosure Agreements and Data Processing Agreements.
Our website only uses cookies necessary for site functionality and gathering of anonymous statistics.
All client and customer
data is indexable and retrievable in case of Data Subject information requests.
All project files are deleted after a period of 5 years.